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Our Story...

Some friends invited me to church one day,
In late Spring near the month of May.
There I met a boy named Brad,
It turns out he thought I was pretty rad!
As friends we spent the summer having fun,
Enjoying barbeques, volleyball, and ultimate frisbee in the sun.
Months went by and our feelings started to grow,
Even our friends were noticing as our love began to flow.
"We're just friends," we'd claim to those who asked,
For me it was easier to stiff-arm and keep my feelings masked.
I turned to my friends for adive on what to do,
I was scared to commit but he just might love me too.
To let someone love me was not an easy decision to make,
Although for others I know it would seem like a piece of cake.
Lucky for me Brad refused to give up the fight,
So we started dating and it really felt right!
Through all of my medical nonsense and the ups and downs,
He stuck by my side without a single frown.
Then last April, before another hospital trip, he offered to take me out,
He proposed that night! Feeling me with hope and strength, and that's what true love is all about!!
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